Carrying On
Well today has been one of those days when everything you do seems normal then you see a picture of David, he and Kat are on my screen-saver, and then it all comes back that he is not here anymore. It is such a sad feeling and I know for Kat a deep void in her life. But she has been smiling some and laughing a tiny bit. She has wonderful friends and a family that loves her more than words can say. She is going to be alright with time. She is going to start college in the fall. She has scholarships out the kaboo as her mother says! I don't know why but I just feel like writing about anything that comes to my mind tonight...........And now a word about the heat. It is not even summer yet and the heat is almost unbearable outside. It is so hot outside one can hardly breathe. I thought I would put a picture up to remind us that "it only lasts for a season." It is hot now but a few months ago this is what it looked like in Sounthern Arkansas. Can you feel the cool air brushing against your skin? Feels good huh?
Winter time in Magnolia Arkansas
Lone Lilly
My little Lilly growing all alone
How smooth your velvet petal
One day your shining in your glory
Next day your almost gone
I love to see your soft delight
Your sense of dewey love
There is a freshness that dawns for me
In morning's early light
When you were my little sister
Sometimes I didn’t like you much
You were a brat, and ratted on me
When I thought I knew it all
Even though you got spanked
It was a fun ride huh?
Golf carts required no license
So why should that Barracuda?
I always wondered if the keys would
Ever be found
I didn’t tell you then cause
Besides being a brat you tattled
But then we grew up and went separate ways
You grew into a lovely young woman
You were still my little sister
But not the brat I once thought you were
We’ve shared many moments together
Stumbled and fell, yet never failed
To be there for each other
Sisters are that way
My prayer for you this special day
Is to see life come full circle
To know your worth is measured
In the kindness you bestow
We share that special bond
Only sisters can attest
To understand, not judge, just love
No matter how we fail
So be happy, enjoy the rain when you
Hoped the sun would shine
Change only if you want to
Sometimes roses bloom in winter.
By Debbie Aycock Williams 2008
I love you,
Happy Birthday
copyright 2008
The leaves are gone and bare branches solicit the heavens The warm days are spent, lingering blades of grass Glisten from the morning frost Seeking absolution from their iniquities. Ensuing eradication wounds the external covering And when they have relented at last The hope of resurrection rests in the seed That was scattered long ago. By Debbie Aycock Williams copyright 2009
Kathryn how do I describe the overwhelming pride you bring to my heart?
When I think back to that rainy night you were born until this very day that is
Filled with sunshine and happiness, accomplishments and expectations of what tomorrow holds, I remember a precious first grandchild, What excitement ensued.
From the time you pushed the front door open and went head over heals down the steps and we spent half the morning in the emergency room. Of course you were fine and I was a wreck. The hours we spent reading and playing will always be memories I cherish like no others. Memories of birthday parties, a scared little girl going into the operating room, Christmas and Easters at Granddaddy ‘s and Mama Kitten’s, vicious bathtubs, special times of doing nothing but being together. There are memories here: Toys you played with, books you read, notes you wrote and pictures you drew; Saved in a box with your name on it and They are all here in my heart, the same heart that is filled with love and pride for you Kathryn, For all you stand for, the caring, loving, kind woman you have become. You are one of God’s gifts to me. I love you.
written 2009 for her graduation 2010 Now that she has read this
in her yearbook, I can post it on my blog! I love you Kat!
As I walk through my garden I touch the tiny leaves
Of my lonely rose bush
It stands all alone, by itself
No other nearby
The hibiscus grow profuselThey entertain each other with colors of purple and white
And mix together as the wind blows
Back and forth
But my little lonely rose bush
Has no other to share its quiet beauty
Only the bees occasionally fly by
And my fingertips when I feel the velvet petal
Someday soon, I shall plant another rosebush
So my lonely rose won't stand alone
And when I no longer walk through the garden
My little rose won't miss my loving touch.
By Debbie Aycock Williams
Copyright 2007
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